Assessment of Hydrogen Production Potential from Wind power in Vietnam
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Electric power university, Viet Nam
Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Viet Nam
These authors had equal contribution to this work
Submission date: 2024-04-13
Final revision date: 2024-06-26
Acceptance date: 2024-07-10
Online publication date: 2024-09-19
Corresponding author
Vu Minh Phap   

Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Viet Nam
Hydrogen production technology from the wind energy is one of the feasible methods to shift dependence on fossil fuels to clean energy in the near future. In Vietnam, the Government is also developing policies and regulations to promote hydrogen industry development. However, the efficiency of hydrogen production from areas with different potential for wind power exploitation in Vietnam has not yet been researched to provide a sufficient basis for investors to develop projects. In this paper, the hydrogen production potential from wind power systems is analyzed based on the wind energy potential in each region in Vietnam with the support of SAM software and hydrogen production formulas. Phu Yen province (South Central region) and Dak Lak province (Central Highlands region) with the highest wind energy potential have the largest hydrogen production of 45,286.1 kg/year and 42,675.4 kg/year, respectively. Wind power will help reduce large amounts of CO2 emissions into the environment by replacing grid electricity that uses fossil fuels in the electrolysis process. The amount of CO2 emission reduction is determined by corresponding to the amount of wind power produced for the hydrogen generation process. Phu Yen province has the highest CO2 emission reduction of 1,792,968 kg/year while Ho Chi Minh city has the lowest value of 859,233 kg/year. The study results can be referenced by managers, consultants, and investors to support the development of green hydrogen sector in Vietnam.
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