Problems connected with short term load forecasting for necessities of participating in energy market
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Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal 2006;9(Zeszyt specjalny 1):157-169
The paper relates to the area of the selected forecasting interests, which recently have been signalized both by active and prospective participants of the Polish energy market. These problems are among other things the questions of the short term load forecasting for the new relative numerous group of participants of the Polish energy market and for small final energy consumers. The reality can amaze at appearing of new unexpected interests of the area of electric energy demand and load forecasting. Restructuring of the Polish energy market causes growth of interest for forecast, which are needed to achieve better financial efficiency as result of exact purchase contracts and avoiding losses on the balance market, but not only. The interests have appeared in the unprecedented cases. Probably some problems will by significant and vital only for small circle of the participants of the energy market. The execution of the schedule of the granting of the participation rights in the energy market causes, that the forecasting method for industrial energy consumers are now needed. Moreover the utilities sometimes want to offer to industrial consumers more attractive conditions to remain contracts. That is why they also need forecasting methods for their customers. Forecasting for industrial consumers is different and more difficult than forecasting for global systems and even local but complex systems. Genesis of the interests of the monthly energy demand forecasting for the smallest tariff consumers is dissimilar. Such forecasts are need for monitoring and detecting incorrect events in acquisition of the data of the energy consumption (for instance: dishonesty of the collectors, purposely exaggerated counter readings before the energy go up in price). The forecast plays here the different role. It serves as the utility of the verification of the reality. The another reasons to be interested in such forecasts are: reduction of the service costs of the final consumers, restructuring of the charge system. Ones needs notice that the task is difficult - the smaller consumers are worse objects for forecasting than other. The paper describes the review of objects and reasons of load forecasting and approaches methodological questions. Namely, there are raised such themes as: using of additional steering variables, using various kind of popular forecasting techniques such as statistical methods and artificial neural networks, issues of working with artificial neural networks.
Problematyka krótkoterminowego prognozowania obciążeń elektroenergetycznych dla potrzeb uczestnictwa w rynku energii
prognozowanie, elektroenergetyka, profile obciążenia dobowego
Artykuł stanowi wycinkowy przegląd niektórych zagadnień krótkoterminowego prognozowania w elektroenergetyce, związanych z zaobserwowanymi, aktualnymi i przewidywanymi w związku z ewolucją krajowego rynku energii różnego szczebla potrzebami, problemami i wyzwaniami. Zrelacjonowano aktualną sytuację w elektroenergetyce jako genezę podjętego tematu. Opisano specyfikę przekroju grupy podmiotów, których dotyczyć będzie obowiązek sporządzania prognoz. Poruszono pewne, newralgiczne, zdaniem autora, zagadnienia związane z projektowaniem architektury systemów prognostycznych, wyborem danych wejściowych, technik prognostycznych, ich implementacją i oceną jakości.
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