The barriers of solid recovered fuels applying in energetic
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Polityka Energetyczna – Energy Policy Journal 2008;11(2):129-137
The 1999/31 Directive on the landfill of waste sets strict rules on the disposal of untreated municipal solid waste in the European Union countries and forces a reduction of the biodegradable quantities disposed off to landfills up to 35% of the amount produced in 1995 in the coming decade. More environmentally friendly waste management options shall be promoted under the framework of the Community Waste Strategy. In this context, the production and thermal use of solid recovered fuels (SRFs), derived from nonhazardous bioresidues and mixed- and mono-waste streams, could be a key element in a future waste management system. As a consequence of the high biogenic share of the cocombusted material, this approach can be considered beneficial following European Directive 2001/77/EC on electricity from renewable energy sources (directive) The use of Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) derived from mixed-Anono waste streams is expected to result in a significant con-tribution to the generation of sustainable energy. The demand for alternative waste treatment is addressed by production and direct co-combustion of SRF in coal fired power plants as an environ-mentally friendly, energy efficient and cost effective technical solution. The legal conditioning of alternative fuel applying in energetic are introduced in the paper. The formal barriers and the technical threats of firing and co-firing of wastes are shown. The principles of classification of solid recovered fuels (SRF) introduced by European Centre of Accreditation (CEN) is introduced. The creation of economic encouragements for co-firing of wastes is proposed.
Bariery stosowania paliw alternatywnych w energetyce
energetyka, paliwo alternatywne, odpady, środowisko
Paliwa alternatywne znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie przemysłowe w krajach Unii Europejskiej, w tym także w sektorze energetycznym, co jest uzasadnione zarówno ze względów ekonomicznych, jak i ekologicznych. W artykule przedstawiono bariery stosowania paliw alternatywnych oraz propozycje stworzenia zachęt ekonomicznych dla podmiotów podejmujących współspalanie tych paliw.
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